Complaint from June......
As you know that my two love buns love to squeeze in a narrow space like the following pictures, but this time around, it seems that June was complaining about Coco....
"Mummy, please, ask Coco to wash his bushy butt....."
"Excuse me, bun does not need to take bath, ok........? stop complaining to mummy....."" I mean butt.......not bath......."
Hahahaha... i wonder why they love squeezing in a tight space.. as long they queeze together, they look cute!!!
ya......i got more photos of them squeezing together gether......will post it up later...
hey they so cute.. i like the way the squeezing t'gether.. lol
coco and june.. come see BlueBerry and claim your award...hope you like it...enjoy
hehehe..they r cute squeezing together...luli also like to squeezing in small area..
Thank you very much Lazzybunny for the award.......
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