Saturday, August 7, 2010

After 3 year ++..........bathing !!

3 years ago, i sent my buns for bathing and grooming which resulted in my Coco got stress up and did not eat for 2-3 days. In actual fact, it is generally not advisable to bath bunny as they easily get scare and stressed up. After that incident, i dare not bath my buns anymore. Having said that, i do on and off brush and comb my buns by using the furminator. However, i decided to "clean" my Coco and June when i noticed a lot of matted fur was formed as a result of their constant grooming. Further, there are also stubborn stain that stuck at the fur near their butt which i think is not so good for their skin.
This buns cleaning session actually took me about one hour plus to complete. I did not actually bath my Coco and June cos both of them actually got a bit stress up when i put them in the bath room. Since my Coco and June are going through heavy molting, i used furminator to brush out all those excessive fur and for those matted fur, i either plucked it out using my hand or trimed it by using scissor. Lastly, i use my wet hand to stroke their whole body for a final cleaning. So, below are some of their pictures that i took after accomplishing the buns "bathing" mission....

"how dare is mummy to bath me, i strongly disapprove !"

"I strongly disapprove too ! look at my fur, it makes me look so horrible !"

"no photo please......."

"bathing is indeed very stressful to bunny..."

"so, i need to rest and relax........"

"i disapprove of mummy bathing me !"

"better look for a place to hide ........"

"before hidding, i need to fill my stomach ......"


  1. We hope mom wont do that to us.

    The Fluffies

  2. We sleep with eyes wide open. But mom said she knows if we sleep or not. She said, sleeping bunny doesn't twitch its nose. True aaa?

  3. We sleep with eyes wide open. But mom said she knows if we sleep or not. She said, sleeping bunny doesn't twitch its nose. True aaa?

  4. Thanks for yr hug fluffies,
    Mummy has given us more treats that day :)
