Friday, May 15, 2009

Swine Flu

One fine day, i saw my two love buns did not stick together and out of the sudden, Coco whispered to me.........

"Mummy..........i want to tell u something.......June was not in a good mood, she asks me to leave her alone....."

"I am not sure, Mummy......may be she is not happy because i did not wash my bushy butt....but, i swear, i just wash my butt 5 minutes ago.........."

"Baby, what happen to u ? u look so bored, Coco told me u r not in a good mood....."
"Nothing Mummy...........i heard what Coco said, no, not because of his bushy butt....."
"ok, lets tell Mummy and c whether Mummy can help or not..."

"Mummy, i am worry about my fren Piggy at Mexico........."
"Why ? i thought she is doing fine........."
"No, Mummy, i heard the recent pig flu has attacked many human and they said this kind of disease came from pig........"
"o, i c......dont worry, she will be fine......"

Well, buns sometime do have compassion towards their "animal fren", how much more we as a human being ?

1 comment:

  1. ya lah.. she really look worried.. no worries dear..everything is under control..
