Saturday, September 13, 2008


Apple is one of my two sweeties favourite fruits. I normally let them eat half to one apple each week and both of them react very differently when they saw me holding apple.

My buck, Coco will normally sniff at the apple in my hand and wait patiently for me to put it in front of him, then, he will slowly enjoys the apple....... he will eats and stops for a while, and eats and stops again until he finishes the apple. That is why Coco will sometime takes half an hour to one hour just to finish a quarter of apple..........But, my doe June, is very different, she is very brave and dare to snatch away the apple from my palm, run to her favourite spot (one corner in the cage) and enjoy the apple, she normally will finishes the apple in one go........
I do not have the chance to take June photo with her apple but Coco, i managed to snap a few and what a cute little fellow he is when he tries to guard over his apple..........

"Why are you staring at my APPLE ? Sory, I am not going to SHARE!!!"

"I finish my apple already, so.......i can only guard over my bowl of water........."

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